***Translation: April - 2020***


~°~ Original by Tati Design ~°~

Thank you Tati for permission to translate your tutorials.

Translated by Chris (acbdesigns)

Tested by Celine




Disclaimer: Each Graphic is the property of the original artist to whom the copyright belongs and may not be placed in a collection or offered for sale on-line or otherwise.

This translation is written with PSP 2020 Ultimate, if you work with older versions some things might be different but the result will be the same.



<I.C.NET Software> - Filters Unlimited 2.0

Toadies - Sucking Toad Bevel I

VM 1 - Web Weaver ***

AP [Utility] - Reflections

Andromeda - sMulti

Carolaine and Sensibility - cs_texture

Carolaine and Sensibility - CS-Halloween 2

VanDerLee - Unplugged X - Split Contrast and Jalusi

penta.com - Dot and Cross

AP [Lines] - Lines - SilverLining

Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

MuRa's Meister - Perspective Tiling

Alien Skin - Eye Candy 5 - Nature - Drip

Alien Skin - Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow

Richard Rosenman - Grid Generator

*** Import into Filters Unlimited



Double click on the Alien Skin Preset to install it

Open all other files in PSP and minimize to tray



    Set your Foregroundcolor to  #b11f28  

    Set your Backgroundcolor to #f3e8d9   

    Note: When working with your own colors, adjust the Blend Mode/Opacity at your own discretion

    If you are using different colors you may need to colorize some of the original elements

The tutorial:



Open "TD_Canal_Alfa_Pinuccia"  from tray

Window - Duplicate

This image contains Alpha Selections

Close the original and work with the Copy



For your colors:

Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Hue Map



Layers - Duplicate twice

Close the Top Layer and continue on the Layer below (Copy of Raster 1)



Effects - Plugins - Toadies - *Sucking Toad* Bevel I



Effects - Plugins - Filters Unlimited - VM 1 - Web Weaver

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance



Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling



Edit - Repeat Seamless Tiling

Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal

Change the Blend mode to Multiply



Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Plugins - AP [Utility] - Reflections



Effects - Plugins - Andromeda - sMulti



Image - Resize - 900 X 490px



Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Change the Blend Mode to Hard Light



Layers - Merge - Merge Visible




Continue with the Bottom Layer Active

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - "TD_Pinuccia_Sel1"

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Selections - Select None



Effects - Plugins - Carolaine and Sensibility - cs_texture - Default settings



Effects - Distortion Effects - Wind

Change the Blend Mode to Overlay



Activate the Bottom Layer (Merged)

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - "TD_Pinuccia_Sel2"

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer



Effects - Plugins - Carolaine and Sensibility - CS-Halloween2 - Default settings

Selections - Select None

Changeee the Blend Mode to Soft Light



Activate the Bottom Layer (Merged)

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - "TD_Pinuccia_Sel3"

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer



Effects - Plugins - VanDerLee - Unplugged X - Jalusi - Color 3

Selections - Select None

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: 10/10/40/20   Color: #57080d

Your work  and Layer Palette should look like this now:



Activate the Bottom Layer - (Merged)

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - "TD_Pinuccia_Sel4"

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Selections - Select None



Effects - Plugins - penta.com - Dot and Cross

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: 0/-10/50/20   Color: #57080d

Change the Blend Mode to Multiply



Activate the Bottom Layer (Merged)

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - "TD_Pinuccia_Sel7"

Selections - Promote Selection to Layer

Selections -  Select None



Effects - Distortion Effects - Wind - From Left



Effects - Plugins - AP [Lines] - Lines - SilverLining - Dotty Grid


Layers - Merge - Merge Visible



Open the Top Layer and Activate it



Effects - Plugins - VanDerLee - Unplugged X - Split Contrast



Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance



Effects - Plugins - MuRa's Meister - Perspective Tiling

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: 0/0/100/20   Color: #57080d



Open "TD_Deco1_Pinuccia"

Edit - Copy the Active Layer

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Note: Depending on your colors, you can use the closed Layer instead

Pick Tool (K)

Enter these parameters for the X: and Y: positions on the Toolbar

X: 598.00   Y: 0.00

Press M to close the Pick Tool



Open "TD_Deco2_Pinuccia"

Edit - Copy the Active Layer

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Pick Tool (K)

Enter these parameters for the X: and Y: positions on the Toolbar

X: 345.00   Y: 0.00

Press M to close the Pick Tool



Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - "TD_Pinuccia_Sel5"

Fill the Selection with #000000

Note: If you are using different Colors, you can change to #ffffff

Selections - Select None



Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy Nature - Drip - Preset - "TD_Pinuccia_Drip"

Note: If the Preset didin't install, use these settings:



Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - "TD_Pinuccia_Sel6"

Press the Delete key on your keyboard

Selections - Select None

Change the Blend Mode to Multiply

Note: If you used White, change the Blend Mode to Screen



Open "TD_Texto_Pinuccia"

Edit - Copy the Active Layer

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Note: If you are using White, use Image - Negative here

Pick Tool (K)

Enter these parameters for the X: and Y: positions on the Toolbar

X: 536.00   Y: 218.00

Press M to close the Pick Tool

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: 3/3/40/5   Color: #57080d



Open "TD_Deco3_Pinuccia"

Edit - Copy the Active Layer

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Pick Tool (K)

Enter these parameters for the X: and Y: positions on the Toolbar

X: 843.00   Y: 0.00

Press M to close the Pick Tool

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: 3/3/40/5   Color: #57080d



Activate Copy 2 of Raster 1 (The floor)

Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill the Layer with the Background Color  #f3e8d9

Layers - New  Mask Layer - From Image - "TD_Mask_Pinuccia"

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Change the Blend Mode to Overlay



Activate the Top Layer

Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - "TD_Pinuccia_Sel8"

Fill the Selection with #57080d (Or Black depending on your Colors)

Selections - Select none

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow: 3/5/50/5   Color: #57080d



Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 5 - Perspective Shadow - Preset - "Reflect in Front, Sharp"



Open "2817 - asian - vogue - LB TUBES9" from tray

Edit - Copy the Middle Layer

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New layer

Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal

Image - Resize - 85% - Resize All Layers - Not Checked

Pick Tool (K)

Enter these parameters for the X: and Y: positions on the Toolbar

X: 69.00   Y: 20.00

Press M to close the Pick Tool



Layers - Duplicate

Activate the Layer below (original tube)

Image - Free Rotate

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius: 35



Effects - Plugins - Richard Rosenman - Grid Generator

Note: If you are using White for Decos change the Line Color to White



Activate the Top Layer

Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow - Preset - "Drop Shadow, Blurry"



                 Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #000000    (Or #ffffff)

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 3px - #b11f28    

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #57080d   

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 15px - #ffffff     

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #57080d   

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 5px - #b11f28    

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #57080d   

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 45px - #ffffff     



Open "TD_Deco4_Pinuccia"

Edit - Copy the Active Layer

On your work image:  Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer

Pick Tool (K)

Enter these parameters for the X: and Y: positions on the Toolbar

X: 6.00   Y: 8.00

Press M to close the Pick Tool



Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal

Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked - 1px - #57080d   



Optional: Image - Resize - Width 950 Pixels - Resize all Layers checked

Add your name or watermark, save as JPG file and you're done!


Extra Examples by Chris and Celine: